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Chilliwack Sunflower Festival

This week, my mom and I took advantage of the weekday prices and went to the Chilliwack Sunflower Festival . They had so many beautiful and unusual sunflowers that I hadn't seen before. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring the grounds, taking lots of photos, and eating lunch from the Dutch food truck afterward! The croquettes were new to me and delicious!  The organizers did such a good job of making sure people could socially distance by having you pre-purchase tickets online for a specific time slot, and even having your parking organized by arrival time so that people weren't returning to their cars and getting out of their cars at the same time. There was so much room for people to spread out within the event, and hand sani stations at each 'photo op' (they have swings, an old vehicle, vintage bikes, small wooden shoes, and more to pose with). As a bonus, there were also Dahlias (including my new favourite - Cafe Au Lait) and Gladiolas, which are my daughter's birth

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